You have two choices. You can go on performing the PMs you have always performed, and conduction CM tasks where it “makes sense”, or you can take a more structured approach to ensure you are focusing your efforts where they deliver the maximum value. This workshop will explain how you can do the latter.
- We will start with a summary of criticality analysis and Pareto analysis so that we know where we should focus our attention.
- Then we will briefly review the basic failure curves and the P-F interval so we understand why using only interval-based maintenance tasks will not achieve the lowest costs and highest availability.
- Then we briefly discuss the root cause of many failures, just so we understand the challenges we must solve.
- Before we move on we will summarize the desired outcome of our structured process: the correct balance of run-to-fail, condition-based and interval-based tasks, hidden-failure-finding tasks, and improvement tasks.
- With the foundation in place, we will take a deeper dive into Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). We will explain how to utilize these techniques, plus the pros and cons of each technique.
- And finally, we will explain Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO); how it works alongside RCM and FMECA, and its pros and cons.
At the end of this process, you will understand how to make logical, defensible decisions on which maintenance tasks should interval-based, and where you should apply condition-based tasks (and select the correct technologies, settings, and collection frequencies).
This workshop overlaps with the topics covered on the ARP II course, however, they are important topics for both CBM and Reliability Engineers, so it is important to gain a detailed understanding. These topics are also discussed during day-two of the ARP-I workshop, however, they are not covered in anywhere like the same level of detail. If you want the “big-picture, holistic overview of reliability improvement”, attend ARP I. If you are beyond that, attend these workshops.
Jason Tranter is the founder and Managing Director of Mobius Institute. Jason is the author of the majority of the Mobius Institute training courses and e-learning products covering reliability improvement, condition monitoring and precision maintenance topics. Titles include iLearnReliability, iLearnVibration, iLearnAlignment, and iLearnBalancing. Vibration analysis classroom and distance learning courses follow ISO 18436-2 Category I – IV. Mr. Tranter has been involved with this field of work since 1984. He has worked with people in a variety of industries to help improve reliability and implement successful condition monitoring programs. He is an Australian delegate to ISO TC 108/SC5 “Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems”. Jason has written numerous articles and presented at conferences around the world. Jason has also been awarded “best presenter” at numerous conferences, including at the previous two Euromaintenance conferences. Thousands of people have viewed Jason’s Webinars and YouTube videos on the Mobius YouTube channel. Mobius Institute has training centers in over 60 countries, and also provides certification through the ISO/IEC 17024 accredited organization, Mobius Institute Board of Certification. Mobius has direct offices in Australia, Europe and the United States with over 20 employees.