WS4: 1/2 Day Hands-on Workshop: Ultrasound – An Alternative to Bearing Lubrication and Slow Speed Bearing Monitoring

Spencer Ts. Tang Chi Chung, P. Tech ME Nick Lee, UE Systems


Participants will learn about the principles and techniques of using ultrasound technology applied to bearing lubrication and slow speed bearing monitoring: ultrasound detection principles, ultrasound-assisted lubrication method, characteristics of slow speed bearings, noise quality and sound wave form, case studies/examples.

Bio - Spencer Ts. Tang Chi Chung

Spencer has his Master of Science in Asset Management and Maintenance, University Technology of Petronas, Malaysia and his Bachelor’s Degree in Technology Management (Manufacturing), University Technology of Malaysia. He is also a Registered Professional Technologist (Manufacturing and Industrial Technology, P.Tech. ME) with Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT).

He has over 18 years of on-site asset condition monitoring inspection and consultation via non-destructive testing technology – Infrared Thermography, Airborne & Structure-borne Ultrasound, EMF/TEV Electrical Partial Discharge Analysis. He also has competency in Ultrasonic applications about Leak detection (gas, steam & compressed air facilities), Valve passing, Motor bearing monitoring and lubrication, as well as Electrical partial discharge detection (High voltage & Low voltage), with additional knowledge in Ultrasound technology technical support and training in South-East Asia region.

Spencer is a Certified Trainer of UE Systems Level 1 Airborne & Structure Borne Ultrasound Training, and Certified Inspector of Level 1 & 2 UE Systems Airborne & Structure Borne Ultrasound Training. He is also a Level 1, 2, and Infrared Optical Gas Inspector through ITC Thermography Training.

Bio - Nick Lee

Nick Lee is a Regional Sales Manager Korea & Japan at UE Systems INC. Specializing in the ultrasound technology in maintenance, Nick uses that experience to conduct ultrasound inspection such as bearing, electrical, valve, steam trap and leak detection. He is a Certified Inspector of UE Systems Level 1 & 2 Airborne & Structure Borne Ultrasound Training. He is also a certified Vibration Analyst Category 2 from Vibration Institute and a Level 1 Infrared Thermographer through ITC.