1S4: Case Study: Gearbox failure

Wendy Kera, Principal Defect Elimination - Condition Monitoring, BHP Billiton





Wendy believes she had been very lucky to have worked in culturally diverse companies in different countries, where differences are valued and respected.

Her experience includes residential mining roles, fly in fly out, and global corporate roles. Wendy brings extensive mining experience and working knowledge of rotating equipment, pumps, gearboxes, motors, ball mills, crusher, feeders and conveyor systems. Using ConMon best practice when developing holistic maintenance strategies has produced incredible results in all organizations.

In her current role, she is accountable for the development, implementation and optimization of a sustainable ConMon improvement programs that positions BHP as a best practice globally competitive business.

Education: BEng, Certified vibration level III analyst, Certified level 1 UT technician, Level 1&2 trained Noria oil lubrication certification