AMWS2: How to Develop an Award-winning, Future-focused, Survivable ACM Program

Jack Nicholas, Sole Proprietor, Jack R. Nicholas, Jr.


Within the last several years some new advancements in Asset Condition Monitoring (ACM), or as it used to be called, Predictive Maintenance, have been proven to change the way in which predictive technologies are employed, results communicated and programs assessed. This workshop will provide in-depth exploration of key features proven to work in extremely effective, award winning programs. It will also link these attributes to the newly issued ISO55000 series Asset Management standard and show how they influence risk as defined by the ISO31000 Risk Management standard and the newly issued Asset Condition Monitoring Program Managers’ Guide. Impact of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) big data management, cloud computing and advanced analytics will be demonstrated along with the most recent advances in ACM and supporting technologies wil be discussed. This workshop provides useful information for equipment owners, condition monitoring and IIoT services suppliers, vendors of predictive technologies, operators, supervisors and managers, ACM program leaders and champions who have any role in or benefit from ACM application. It applies to organizations either starting up or wanting to upgrade their existing programs with the goal of becoming world-class in performance. This workshop will cover the following topics: Overview of the Asset Condition Monitoring Project Manager’s Guide co-authored by the workshop leader, Terrance O’Hanlon and Dave Reiber published in January 2017; Recent and expected future advances in technology affecting asset condition monitoring What must be done by ACM-focused organizations to take best advantage of the Industrial Internet of Things, big data management, cloud computing and advanced analytics; ACM program master plans content, value in program defense, periodic update and other uses; Impact of ACM on all plant life cycle phases described by ISO55000 and risk management per ISO31000; Examples of ACM monetary benefits and key performance indicators and ways to document them will be shown.


The workshop leader has over 40 years of experience developing, supporting and assessing ACM programs in government agencies (DOE, DOD, NRC), petrochemical processing, utility, primary metals manufacturing and other venues in North America, Asia, Australia and the Caribbean. He has been project manager for ACM research, development and introduction in field application of multiple technologies. He has written extensively on these subjects for books, workshops, professional paper presentations and magazine articles, including the definitive text on ACM Management published in December 2016.