First there will be a brief description of Simmons Feeds. I will discuss some of the challenges the plant encountered. Discuss the reason for consultation and benefits of training which led to certified practitioners. Brief synopsis on the pride and ownership aspect that involved the team which led to the success of their lubrication program. I will discuss the recognition that this plant received at the Reliable Plant conference along with winning the Battle Award as the end result. I will also discuss the team members and their contributions to the ownership culture necessary to maintain the program.
-Benefits of training
-Benefits of receiving certifications
-Identifying the low hanging fruit that is common for most companies and how they can improve their own situation
Leslie Fish is the Executive Director for International Council for Machinery Lubrication(ICML) and has extensive experience in testing and certification as a former Senior Executive in the trades education industry, which included Automotive, HVAC, Welding and Medical. Leslie is ICML’s representative to SMRP, PEMAC, MARCON and IMVAC and has presented and provided training to large groups within the industry. Having direct interaction with hands-on practitioners has confirmed for Leslie that ICML certifications can be personally rewarding to those in the trenches because of the recognition, sense of accomplishment and for the betterment of their careers.