This ½ day workshop exposes attendees to ultrasound technology; what it is, how it’s useful, and why it is quickly becoming the go-to technology for reliability departments around the globe. Attendees should look forward to a lively, interactive event that combines lecture, practical exercises, and hands on experiences with ultrasound instruments in real-world applications.
The 8 Pillars of Ultrasound explores how ultrasound’s versatility solves both simple and complex problems that threaten production, quality, and cost. Go beyond simply understanding “how” — in this workshop expect to experience “how” first-hand. The 8 Pillars explains the benefits of ultrasound in an easy to understand platform related directly to your operations.
A limited number of ultrasound instruments and practical simulators will be available during the workshop for attendees to test and prove out the applications discussed in The Pillars.
An introduction to Ultrasound’s role in reliability improvement and condition monitoring.
The Eight Pillars of Ultrasound
Leak Detection
Machine Condition Monitoring
On-Condition Lubrication
Steam Systems
Valve Testing
Electrical Inspection
Tightness Testing
Practical Exercises
Introduction to Ultrasound Hardware (SDT340 and LUBExpert)
Introduction to Ultrasound Software (Ultranalysis Suite 4.0 – Cloud Connected)
Learning Lab demo benches for each Pillar
The practical exercises teach through hands-on approach, addressing the 8 pillars of ultrasound. Attendees will be mentored by qualified trainers to use software, instrument, demo benches.
Implementation Tips, Q&A
A chance to come together as a class and discuss what was learned, and what the next steps are as they take this information back to their companies.
1. Understand the role of ultrasound in condition monitoring and reliability
2. Experience hands-on practical sessions with ultrasound hardware, software, and simulators
3. Learn implementation tips from world-class ultrasound programs so you can do it too.