I have been taking readings on slow speed bearings for a long time. First I started with Vibration and then I moved on to adding Ultrasound to the tool chest. Despite the fact that measuring the health of bearings rotating at speeds below 20rpm has been relatively straightforward for all of these years, there are still people who consider it difficult or who have tried and had poor success. This presentation reviews the demands made on the measurement system to obtain a useful Vibration spectrum on a slow-speed bearing, reviews the huge steps forward that Ultrasound has made in the last decade to make that process easier and then reviews case histories taken from those 25 years.
1. Slow speed bearing measurement is not impossible
2. Slow speed bearing measurement requires attention to detail
3. Ultrasound can sometimes be easier to deploy than Vibration
Tom has been working in condition monitoring for nearly 40 years. He is currently training Ultrasound to ASNT and ISO standards and implementing programmes to a huge variety of businesses around the World.
Tom is dedicated to working with customers to improve their Reliability and reduce maintenance costs through maximising the benefits of Condition Monitoring in all its forms.