Many companies struggle to achieve sustainable reliability improvement. Plan to attend IMVAC 2017 in Australia to listen to Malcolm Osenton describe the reliability journey of The Mosaic Company. His “army” of reliability practitioners have made significant progress towards their vision and Malcolm will share their keys to success.
The journey starts with identifying a compelling need for improvement and developing a clear and long term vision. A comprehensive plan must follow and a commitment to work the plan, course correcting as needed but always staying focused on the long term vision. The journey requires leaders that are persistent and resilient, devoted to closing the gaps that will allow failure. It is crucial to leverage training to build skill, engage people and build an army of like-minded people that are empowered to act. Barriers to progress must be confronted, such as designing controlled pilots to overcome resistance, pivot off success to accelerate towards the long term vision. Along the way you realize the journey doesn’t end, continuous improvement always presents new frontiers to explore.
Malcolm Osenton has more than 30 years of experience in maintenance, reliability & engineering management. He is currently the Director of Reliability for Mosaic’s phosphate business unit, responsible for asset reliability improvements across 10 facilities. In his career, he has held leadership positions while working in the pulp & paper industry for 15 years, consulting engineering for 3 years and the last 14 years in the fertilizer Industry. Malcolm is a graduate of the University of South Alabama with a degree in Civil Engineering. He is a Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional and a Certified Reliability Leader.