Formerly known as IMVAC

In 2016, Mobius Institute launched the INTERNATIONAL MACHINE VIBRATION ANALYSIS & CONDITION MONITORING CONFERENCE (IMVAC) and since then we’ve held multiple events in Asia, the Middle East, Australia, Europe and the USA.  If you have been to an IMVAC conference you will have learned about all the CBM technical areas plus vibration analysis. Our conferences have always been about more than just vibration, and we now realize now that our chosen name wasn’t the best… So we changed it!


Introducing the “CBM Conference”

The CBM Conference provides an excellent opportunity for condition monitoring, plant maintenance and reliability professionals to attend workshops, presentations, and case studies that cover key condition monitoring technologies such as Vibration Analysis, Infrared Thermography, Oil Analysis, Wear Particle Analysis, Ultrasound Analysis, Motor Testing, Precision Lubrication, Shaft Alignment, Field Balancing, Reliability and Performance Improvement.  In addition to the great learning opportunities, the CBM Conference exposition connects you with industry’s leading vendors from whom you will learn about new technology and find resources that will help you to do your job better.